pp108 : JDBC Details Interface

JDBC Details Interface

This topic describes the fields displayed when the JDBC driver is selected as the database.

Field Name


Field Description

JDBC Driver


Select a JDBC driver you intend to use from the drop-down list.If the required driver is not present in the list, you can select the Others option and enter the value of the driver in the Driver Class field. For example, in case of an Oracle database, the driver name isoracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.
Note: The system on which the Service Container with a database configuration is running must have the JDBC driver installed and the driver's class must be set in the System classpath.

Connection String


Specifies the information (DB details and port number) using which we connect to the database. For example, jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://testserver;SelectMethod=cursor is the connection string for Microsoft SQL 2000 and jdbc:sqlserver://<<server_name>>:<<port_no>> for Microsoft SQL 2005.
Note: If you are connecting to MySQL database containing multi byte data (for example-Chinese), ensure to include the following in the Connection String:
options useUnicode=true and characterEncoding=UTF-8

So the Connection String format in this case will be,jdbc:mysql://<<server Name>>:<<port number>>/<<database name>>?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8

JDBC Driver XA Class


Specifies the implementation class and is stored as a part of Database Configuration. Ensure to provide this fully qualified class name to enable the support for Reliable Messaging functionality in the Service Container configuration page. Depending on the type of JDBC driver selected (Microsoft SQL 2005 or MySQL, Oracle), the textbox is populated with default implementation driver class. You can always change this class name.

Default Database


Default Database: This field contains the name of a database (Catalog name or Schema to be connected). For example, in SQL Server, if a user wants to connect to a particular database (example Eastwind), this database name must be mentioned in this field. If no database name is mentioned, the Service Container is connected to the default database of that user (example master for 'sa' user).
Note: For Oracle server, the field must contain the schema in upper case to which the Service Container must be connected. If no schema is mentioned, the Service Container is connected to the default schema for the current user. All Read and Update requests are directed to the connected database or schema only.
Note: For proper functioning of the ACL, it is important to specify the default database in its original (upper or lower) case.

DB User


Specifies the authenticated user name for authentication to the database. This is required only when the selected database needs authentication.



This field contains the password for authentication.



Select this option to enable SSL Connectivity.Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connectivity enables encryption of data during transfer over any network. In order to use this option in Process Platform, the database server must be configured to use SSL.This option is applicable for the following combinations:

  • JDBC with MS-SQL Server 2005/2008
  • JDBC with MYSQL

    Note: It is possible to use SSL connectivity with the Oracle DB server. To do so, you must configure the Oracle service name as TCPS, as specified in the Oracle documentation.



Related tasks

Creating a Database Configuration
Modifying a Database Configuration
Deleting a Database Configuration
Viewing Database Configuration Usage Report
Creating a Tablespace

Related reference

OLEDB Details Interface